New Toy

I bought this from the compensation following my cycling accident:

My new HTC Advantage X7510

It’s an HTC Advantage X7510, Pocket PC / Phone / GPS / Camera.

It arrived, following many delays, last Saturday and it’s an absolutely amazing piece of kit. Pricey but I did say I was going to get the best available and that I did.

Seen here in a docking cradle and yes, that is a mouse pointer. It’ll also read flash disks and output to a VGA / SVGA or Composite port.

It’s quite large for a phone, but I have another for voice and I did get it for data usage only. It does fit in my work shirt pocket, complete with keyboard (magnetic clip-on) so it’s just not too big as to be an inconvenience to carry. It also came with quite a few accessories.

A very worthwhile purchase, all-in-all 🙂

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Google Street View

It seems this is coming to Cardiff. I spotted this near my home yesterday:

Google Street View Car

I have mixed feelings about this. It’s a nice idea but I have some concerns about privacy. OK, it only takes what you can see walking down the street anyway, but this archives it. Not sure how I feel yet.

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What a bargain!

Shopping in Tesco this morning I happened across this massive saving. I often wonder how we’d survive without such discounts 😉

Massive Discount

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Comment Spam

Askimet has been getting a bit pants lately, and over the last day or so is almost completely failing to trap any trackback spam, so I’ve switched to Spam Karma 2.

I’ve actually disabled trackbacks on all new posts anyway, but left comments as active. You do need to be registered and logged in to comment.

I’ve put this post in both Positives and Negatives. Positives for SK2 and Negatives for Askimet and those bastard spammers.

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Meet Chocolate


Courtney was feeling left out, so she bought Chocolate on Saturday. That makes a grand total of 4 hamsters here now!

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Social Networking

In short, I don’t do social networking. I have a website, this blog, msn, ICQ, IRC and more e-mail addresses available than you can shake a shitty stick at so I’m just not interested. I neither have the time nor inclination to sift through endless invitations to become friends to people I’ve never even heard of so I will not sign up to any of them, even if a family member invites me (they should know better anyway 😉 ).

Myspace, Facebook and now Bebo have been added to my mail server’s blacklist for not respecting my “do not contact me again” requests. Some of do actually have a life outside the realms of the Internet. Strange I know, but there you have it 🙂

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Meet Toffee and Cream


This is Toffee…

This is Cream.

Both actually joined our family on 27th December, but I’ve only just got time enough to photograph and post this entry.

Toffee is quite mad, and Cream goes flat when petted but is really docile and friendly. Neither bite, which means we’ve still been lucky on that score to date 🙂

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Cardiff Bus’ new double deck buses

I’ve just had to get off one of these super new buses to wait for the next one.
I’m a shortarse at only 5’3″ and my feet don’t touch the floor when I’m sat in any downstairs fixed seat. Now while this may sound hilarious it’s not just uncomfortable it’s actually painful. I could feel the tension building up in my back (and I don’t generally suffer that way) until I could take no more and got off.
I’ll be emailing the company tonight and when (or if) they eventually reply I’ll follow up in this entry. Watch this space!

Update: E-mail has been sent.

Update #2: I’ve been in communication with a person I know personally at Cardiff Bus and made a suggestion on how the situation may be alleviated. This is by using a fold down foot bar similar to those used on National Express coaches. Initial impressions on this are good so I’m quite happy with the progress so far 🙂

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R.I.P. Muffin :-(

After a short illness, Muffin the hamster died this morning. Not a bad age (about 2 years old) but still a bad time for such a loss.

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Due to random user registrations suddenly starting I’ve decided to restrict registrations to those who mail me via the contact page on my main web site.

What spammers hope to gain from this is anyone’s guess, but they never have been a breed that’s easy to understand.

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