
Well I tried it.

I only told a couple of people, I was more interested in following a few things than posting updates.

Within a couple of days I got my first random follower. It was a spambot, which was blocked.

Today I got my second random follower. Another spambot, quickly blocked.

On my “followers” page, the one legit follower I had wasn’t showing.

I have now deleted my account. What a pile of cack! Even the things I was keen on following post crap. I was dubious about it from the start but thought I’d check it out to see what all the fuss was about… which turns out to be yet another target for spam. I’m actually enjoying Failbook (I have it quite well tied down and have only had two random friends requests in the three months since I joined) but this… it really is for people who have a lot of time for nothing, from what I can see. I certainly don’t have that sort of time and no longer wonder what I’m missing out on. It’s sod all.

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R.I.P. Misty

Yesterday she seemed fine, last night I found out about “fly strike”, this morning I buried her. I’ve never seen anything so swift and horrible.

No more rabbits, they can die in too many ways 🙁

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Meet Tigger

Last weekend we had a new arrival. Here is Tigger, the mad ginger kitteh.

I wonder if he’ll make it to icanhascheezburger before he calms down 😉

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After much badgering from my family I’ve finally, and reluctantly, opened up a Failbook account.

If anyone who knows me (realy life or online) wants to add me as a friend, feel free.

I will not be adding anyone I don’t already know.

PS. OK, so it’s not so easy to find my by name, I’m just too common (mwahaha). Try the email address made from the subject of this post at my domain name.

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Rix and Elaine’s Wedding

This weekend, myself and my wife went to Burnley to attend the wedding of our friends Rix and Elaine.

The wedding ceremony was performed at Brierfield Baptist Church. The groom then had a great time driving us to Padiham Town Hall, in a preserved London Routemaster bus via his place of employment, for the reception.

Anyway, details aside, there are photographs of the event >>here<< and a playlist of the videos taken >>here<< 🙂

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Meet Petal.


To compensate for the loss of Chocolate, we took Courtney to the pet shop and met Petal, an albino Syrian.

Although nervous, she’s he’s already easy to handle and is set to become another well loved pet 🙂

Yes, we’ve since realise that this hamster is male 😉

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R.I.P. Chocolate

Today we took Chocolate the hamster to the vet, and lost another to the dreaded Cushing’s Disease 🙁

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Meet Peanut.


Yesterday we get a hamster to move into Fudge’s home. She looks almost the same as poor old Fudge but is a bit wilder. She bit her way out of the box on the way home and has been squeaking a lot and nipping.

She’s calmed down quite a lot after being handled for the last hour though, so we have high hopes for another friendly creature 😉

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R.I.P. Fudge

This morning we lost Fudge, the tamest hamster I’ve ever known. He was fine last night but was not looking well this morning and seemed to wait for Harry to get up so he could see him one more time before he passed on. He’ll be missed 🙁

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R.I.P. Nibbles

Nibbles, the guinea pig, has been unwell for a while now. It started with her losing hair and getting lumps under her skin. She also had an almost constantly wet bottom, but was lively enough otherwise and as I suspected Cushing’s Disease, for which there’s no cure, I decided not to take her to the vet so she could have more time with us.

This last week or so she’s been losing a lot of weight and her teeth have been growing out of control, so on Friday, with a heavy heart, I took her to the vet and he put her to rest. She’s at peace now.

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