Category Archives: Positives

Good things that are happening or that I’m thinking of

Smart Watch

On a recommendation from a friend, I decided to give the Smart Watch scene another go. I know what the form factor is capable of so I set my sights very low and bought a Q8 Smart Bracelet from Amazon … Continue reading

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New Phone!

It’s not often I get a new phone, so when I upgrade, I make sure it’s good for a few years! This is a OnePlus 6T with 8GB RAM in Mirror Black. I’m impressed with it so far! 😀

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More Success!

Fixed 99% of the problems. I ordered a new flex cable, which arrived this morning, and fitted that more carefully, re-seated the fingerprint sensor and the rear panel clipped into place more easily than yesterday, and is now cleanly fitting. … Continue reading

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Success! (Mostly)

Replacement volume/power flex cable fitted. Not an easy task, not perfect but working 100%! For how long I don’t know, but as long as it lasts until Mid April, when I can get a replacement, I’ll be happy 😉

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That Was Quick!

Replacement part for my phone arrived this morning. I’m going to get some double sided tape before fitting!

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New Toy

“So what was the phone call about?” I hear you ask (I have very good hearing for things like this) 😉 This had arrived. It’s a Bluetooth controller I’ve seen used in a Mamemeister video for playing via emulators on … Continue reading

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Cable Modem Woes

For a long time I’ve been having ‘fun’ with the Wi-Fi on my SuperHub 2.0. On boot (or reboot) it would take ages for it to become enabled, then even longer before anything would connect. Devices would just sit there, … Continue reading

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I’ve been getting regular headaches again. Paracetamol will shift them but it’s a sign so I thought I’d try something based on what happened to me in the past. There was an unopened bottle of Beconase in the house, so … Continue reading

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New User Spam

Hah! Got you! I finally figured out how spambots are getting past my registration checks. The default login URL was active even though the option was hidden. Not any more 😉 User base now cleaned up to those I know … Continue reading

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G+ Archives – A Change of Mind

I’ve thought about it and decided what I’ve posted on G+ in the last 5 years contains some good memories, but they’re not worth the cost of backup and import, so when G+ dies, so do those posts. I’ve learned … Continue reading

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