Category Archives: Positives

Good things that are happening or that I’m thinking of

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam… not a Viking in sight!

The spam checker seems to be working well so far. 11 out of 11 spam comments caught since I enabled comments. I’m happy with that so public comments are looking promising 🙂

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Meet Buster

This post is long overdue! We had Buster back at the end of January when he was 6 weeks old. He’s loveable, playful and totally nuts!

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Meet Jack

Yesterday we were asked if we could adopt a female guinea pig, so we agreed. Today she arrived, only she’s not she, but he! So, meet Jack. He’s 5 months old and very friendly… especially where Rose is concerned! 😉

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Meet Ella

Here’s Ella, who joined our family the day Petal passed away… it’s just taken me this long to get a semi-decent photo of the wiggly little madam!

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Back on 2 wheels

Today I decided it was about time I got back into cycling, and as I had to visit my mother-in-law and the weather is good I thought it would be an idea time to do so (and it’s about time … Continue reading

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Meet Matt.

I’m way overdue with this post! Matt actually joined our family on June 10th, and was very nervous at first, as they all are. He’s now settling down nicely but is another one who loves to spend hours in his … Continue reading

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Meet Caramel

To replace cream we bought Caramel. He’s a lovely little thing and quite a saving on power since we put a generator on the wheel 😉

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Meet Chopra.

Today we had a new addition to the family, bringing the hamster total back to 5. Chopra (named after the Cardiff City striker) is a little sweetie so far. I must say we’ve been lucky with hamsters and never had … Continue reading

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Meet Stewie

Yesterday, a new addition somehow sneaked in named Stewie. He’s already settled in quite nicely but I think I’m going to have to oil his wheel to stop it overheating!

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Meet Tigger

Last weekend we had a new arrival. Here is Tigger, the mad ginger kitteh. I wonder if he’ll make it to icanhascheezburger before he calms down 😉

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