Cycle “Adventures” Volume 154

Close passes continue to plague me with one even coming close enough to hit my handlebar! No damage done and no point in sending the video to the police because they demonstrably don’t care. They occasionally have some close pass trials but then fail completely to follow through. It’s a dog eat dog world out there!

Quite a lot of bad cycle behaviour on this video too. Sadly this is another form of idiocy that’s not going away soon ๐Ÿ™

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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My wife bought a Pinter home brew system for my birthday. It arrived today.

I started following the instructions online and quickly realised I’d screwed up. I used water from a jug that hadn’t been washed out after using it for measuring carpet cleaner!

So I got the purifier out of the other pack and used that instead. Now I have a pack without purifier so I’m going to have to look for some… more on this further down.

The rest of the process was easy, and the online instructions clear and shown as a series of videos. It’s now resting in a cupboard for the next 4 days (I may leave it a day longer as it’s stated to improve the flavour).

So then I went searching for a replacement for the purifier. It’s shown on the pack as sodium percarbonate so I went searching, discovered something and realised something else!

Discovery: sodium percarbonate is oxy cleaner! It’s the exact same chemical! We have plenty of that here so replacement solved.

Realisation: the purifier was all discarded, there was no need to waste the first pack!

Anyway, more on this next week after brewing and conditioning ๐Ÿ™‚

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LEGOโ„ข International Space Station

Some years ago I submitted this to LEGOโ„ข Ideas but it was rejected. Imagine my surprise when a short while back I saw it released. I had nothing to do with the actual release but I was still happy. I just couldn’t afford/justify it for ages. Last week I finally decided to treat myself.

It arrived Wednesday.

Today was my first day off since its arrival. I had the box on the table behind me and when one of our cats (Lilly) knocked it off the table I decided now was the time. Here are photos of progress.

Stage 1
Spares After Stage 1 (Including Brick Splitter)
Stage 2
Spares After Stage 2
Stage 3
Spares After Stage 3
Stage 4 – Beginning To Take Shape
Spares After Stage 4
Stage 5 – It’s Bigger Than I Expected!
Spares After Stage 5

Here I took a short break to change the bedding, as promised. Only one stage to go and here’s the final result!

Complete Build – 864 Pieces

Total time of build from start to finish, including break: 2 hours 30 minutes. It was very straightforward. The instructions were clear with no ambiguity ๐Ÿ™‚

Now I just have to hope its current location is safe from the cats! ???

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 153

Well what a change!

No shortage of clips this last period. Plenty of idiots, including a lot of red jumping cycles and an arrogance shown by many bullies in metal shells that’s going to kill someone; probably sooner rather than later!

No point in reporting any of this to the police, they really don’t care, so I’ll just keep publishing these videos to make at least a small portion of the population what we face, even when we stick to the rules of the road!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 152

Three weeks worth of clips but not a huge amount going on. A combination of early starts, late finishes, days off and rain (lots of rain) the roads were mostly quiet.

We do still see some idiots, especially impatience, paint scrapers and shock of all shocks, an Audi passing safely, actually using an outer lane before pulling in! Kudos given to that driver.

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 151

Delayed due to shortage of clippable events! Note: this is not a bad thing. (I like being safe) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Plenty of impatience and close passes… and on that subject what is it about Audi drivers and their complete lack of distance judgement? I’m sure if I were to collate all the close passes, Audi drivers would be top of the list (followed closely by BMW drivers… probably about 6cm).

The next one might also be delayed (ie. in three weeks time). This is due to booked days off and possible “spare from home” days where I might not have to go in to work. Watch this space for the next exciting episode… who am I kidding? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

Music: “Sommarfรฅgel” with end clip “Tornado” by Wintergatan
These tracks can be downloaded for free at
Free License to use these tracks in your video can be downloaded at

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 150

Back with new music for a new year!

OK the first couple of clips are still from the old, knackered year but this is still the first video of 2021 ๐Ÿ˜‰ Roads are definitely quieter, with a few exceptions, and I feel much safer now. Still a few dickheads out there though as you can see… especially the very last clip which was deliberate and unnecessary antagonistic behaviour at 1am on virtually empty roads while approaching a red light!

The last day of clip opportunities was very busy on the roads with absolutely no sign of lockdown. However, even with the volume of traffic everyone was well behaved and the day gave no clipworthy events, proving motorised vehicles and cycles can get along without animosity!

The last few days have been very cold, but thanks to good clothing I barely feel it! Those gloves were probably the best cycling purchase I’ve ever made because the days of painful fingers at this time of year are no more ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyway, onwards and upwards. Hope you like the new music ๐Ÿ™‚

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 149

My ultimate cycle video of 2020 and it’s a cockwomble extravaganza! I hate December on the roads and this year is no exception. I really don’t feel safe. My anger and frustration is prominent in many clips and my stress levels are through the roof. I just wish people in motor vehicles saw that cycles have actual people on them and are not just inconveniences to push out of the way!

This is also the last video to use the S4C Clockwork Dragon music. My next video will feature music from Wintergatan and is expected around the 8th of January.


Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 148

It’s that most wonderful time of the year! Even with heavy restrictions traffic is still mad in December, as is clearly demonstrated in this video! I’m not exactly on top form myself so I can be seen (and heard) getting agitated by it all.

I also had fun while creating this video. I added the final clips, saved then went to review and kdenlive crashed. I reloaded to be presented with an autosave recovery prompt, which I discarded because I’d just saved, but it turned out that the save file was corrupt and I had to start again! Thankfully all the text I’d written was in the save file so it only took around an hour to rebuild the video. Still a pain in the arse!

Just one more video left this year, then the new year will herald new music! I now have a license to use Wintergatan’s music which I’ll be putting to good use here ๐Ÿ™‚

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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YouTube Copyright Claim Bollocks!

It was my Twitch stream of the old Tehkan arcade game Star Force from 1984.

The whole video has been blocked for 1 minute and 53 seconds of VIDEO (not audio) from almost an hour of almost identical gameplay. This is complete bollocks and I’ve disputed the claim. The YouTube content matching AI is drunk and needs to piss off!

Anyway, this is the full Twitch stream, uncut:

Also, and I’m aware this does break Twitch T&Cs but I’m hardly a high value streamer and this has seriously pissed me off, YouTube isn’t the only content sharing platform out there. This video is the same as uploaded to YouTube (scheduled for publication at 7pm – 24 hours after the stream) but hosted on LBRY/Odysee. Also, it takes up to 30 days to clear this bollocks!

Regular visitors will know I’ve been using LBRY for months. It really is a good alternative to YouTube. It does host some questionable content because it’s basically unmoderated by design, but we’re all human and we can choose to give that shit a miss. I fully recommend it to content creators, even as a backup (or for cases like this). It will automatically sync from YouTube if you don’t want the hassle of uploading twice so worthwhile giving a go.

I’ve put this is both the Negatives and Positives categories because while it’s a Negative against YouTube it’s a Positive towards LBRY/Odysee. Odysee is the more web friendly interface to the LBRY platform, go check it out!

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