Goodbye LBRY Hello Odysee

What started as LBRY is now Odysee. It’s still the decentralised system it started out as and all accounts have been transparently transferred but (and this is the reason for this post) all my past lbry embeds are now invalid. I’ve edited back as far as Cycle “Adventures” Volume 150 but seriously can’t be arsed doing the rest… and I’m not installing a plugin to do the job for me!

I’m sure nobody reads back that far anyway so there’s little point in the effort 😉

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 162

I’ve been playing with audio levels in this video. Please let me know what you think.

Getting back to a more normal level of traffic now. Plenty of red light jumpers in this video, both 4 and 2 wheeled! Impatience, as always, is my biggest source of footage.

Music: “SommarfÃ¥gel” with end clip “Tornado” by Wintergatan These tracks can be downloaded for free at Free License to use these tracks in your video can be downloaded at

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 161

The junction of Mardy Road and New Road in Rumney, Cardiff is probably the most dangerous place I regularly pass. It’s the junction I was knocked off my bike in 2006 and frequently features in my videos. It’s here again, this time with the aftermath of a collision between cars.

The other stuff here is quite normal but this one stands out for me, and as much as I hate them this junction would benefit massively with the installation of a set of traffic lights!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 160

Following a recent conversation regarding a mobile speed camera and my statement that impatience is the most significant cause of road accidents being refused I decided to count how many clips in this video are being published due to impatience. The results won’t surprise many.

Not a busy one really. It’s been rather tame for the last few weeks, and I’m not going to complain about that!

As for the bus: I did report this to Cardiff Bus because while this was bad enough for the police to be involved with I’d rather it be dealt with in-house. The driver couldn’t even use the lame “I’m running late” excuse because I passed the same bus while it was waiting time on Newport Road. I thought I’d clipped this too but I clipped after I’d passed and then deleted the original (D’OH!).

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 159

12 days worth of clips here and quite the variety; possibly due to the very varied times I was cycling. Some days were very quiet and some were very eventful.

Feel free to leave Buttercup guesses here or in the comments of one of the videos. I shall reveal all in the next instalment!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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C64 RF Modulator Replacement

A few weeks ago I ordered a c0pperdragon replacement for the RF modulator on my C64. I tried to fit it shortly after it arrived but failed to remove the existing RF modulator due to the massive solder blob securing it to the motherboard.

I ordered some new bits for my soldering iron and used this one to see if it would be any better.

It did and here it is removed, in one piece so can be reinstalled if necessary!

The replacement board has been installed.

The result is very much an improvement!

I think I can safely call this a 100% success 🙂

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 158

3 weeks worth of footage. It’s been a bit quiet, relatively speaking, lately. There’s still a lot of impatience (and some audible language), cycle couriers and a couple of stand out clips.

The first beggars belief. If I even tried to pass that close to a cyclist while I had L plates my instructor would have hit the brakes. If this is what new drivers are being taught it’s no wonder token gestures like “Operation Close Pass” are completely ineffective.

The second is a longer clip of a gridlock situation at a junction in the city centre. No idea why it was this bad here but once again impatience is very much in evidence from the positions of many of the vehicles!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 157

I thought this was going to be another Deliveroo special but it seems other things took over.

I normally take primary position (middle of lane) and wait in traffic queues. There’s no rush and patience is more relaxing than trying to squeeze through gaps just to avoid waiting. The trouble is, time after time I get impatient twats passing (often too close) on approach to traffic queues. When this happens I will often, if the opportunity is there to do so safely, pass the queue and move to the front, especially if I know there’s a cycle reserve at the lights. All so often this is occupied too! So frustrating my language often comes out!

We can also see in this video how effective Operation Close Pass has been (TL;DR it’s had no effect). One was so close I was going to send it to the police via their simplified upload service they told me about… which doesn’t seem to exists. It’s still the same over-complicated, unreasonable requirements pile of crap it was the last time I tried. The police just don’t care about cyclists. We’re on our own!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 156

Here we go. After the first 5 days of work I had about 4 minutes of video so I decided to hold off, and after the next 4 days I thought I was going to have to publish out of cycle (pun intended)!

It seems that 20.00 is a very bad time for absolute arseholy idiots on the roads. Complete lack of consideration, patience and no thought of safety. When we get on a bike we stop being human to some of these twats!

The footage ran all the way to the end of the music track I use, and I didn’t discard anything so ended up being a perfect length (fnarr).

I’ll let the video do the rest of the talking. Plenty of language but hey, that’s not unusual 😉

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube.
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 155

Things seem to be getting back to normal on the roads. By that I mean still no shortage of impatience and a lot of inconsiderate, often dangerous behaviour but traffic also getting busier.

One thing that did really disappoint me in this video was the woman who just walked out with a child after the crossing man turned red, and as the light for traffic turned green. What a horrible example to set to a child, and if this was the norm we’d have absolutely no chance of instilling safety for the next generation!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on Odysee

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