Road Resurfacing

A few years ago, our council had the bright idea of resurfacing some roads with a layer of hot tar covered with loose chippings. Needless to say this wasn’t very popular, nor was it longlasting, ending up with just the tar after just a few months or so.

Well it’s been over a decade since I last say that crap go down so I thought they’d realised their folly and stopped using that method. Wrong!

A couple of days ago they resurfaced a road I cycle on the way into work, but missed a bit due to card parked there at the time. Yesterday is wan’t so bad; most of the loose chippings having been dispersed so it wasn’t so uncomfortable to cycle over. Yesterday they finished it off and the whole road is covered in loose chippings again. What a total waste of taxpayers’ money that crap is! False economy prevails from short sighted bean counters once again.

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Well so much for August

With the promise of August being a hotter month than July I was really looking forward to some quality pool time. The sad fact is it’s barely seen 20 degrees this month and the pool has gone unused. Now August is almost over and the Summer isn’t looking like making a final appearance I feel it’s time to drain and store it.

Tomorrow is a day off so I’ll let it drain overnight and pump the remainder out and put it all away then, along with relaying the groundsheets to give us something to walk on without squelching. Ho hum.

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I’ve finally decided to set up a blog. Dog knows what I’ll put in here but I’m sure I’ll get around to something someday 😉

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