Meet Socks

Socks Kitten

This is our younger cat Socks when we first got him.

Silly Socks

And this is a more recent pic when he’s in a silly mood.

He doesn’t like the vacuum cleaner though; I still have the scars to prove it!

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Meet Soo


This is our older cat Soo. She really doesn’t get on with Sheba so unfortunately stays away most of the time. She’s still in the area though and we feed her when we get a chance.

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Meet Roly


This is Roly. We had to find a new home for him because he was too destructive.

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Meet Sheba and Floosie (R.I.P.)

Sheba and Floosie

This is our dog, Sheba and our first rabbit, sadly no longer with us, Floosie out our marsh garden.

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Meet Muffin

This is Muffin, our second hamster. She’s mad as a hatter and always nibbling at the bars. Very nervous when she first got here but much easier to hold now. Nervous or mad she’s never bitten and is really sweet, until she starts wiggling 😉

She used her first wheel a lot until she destroyed it. Doesn’t seem to recognise the new one as a wheel and never uses it for some reason.

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Meet Biscuit


This is our first hamster, Biscuit. She’s normally quite friendly and docile but can bite if woken. She’s currently about 18 months old and starting to go bald. Still very active though and is often in her wheel when awake.

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Meet The Cavies


This was taken a few months after purchase. The brown and white cavy is Munchkin, the larger buff one is Nibbles and the baby, who had to go to another home, was Suki… renamed by the pet shop to Sukas, as we found out he was male when he started “making the motions” 😉

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Pets Corner

This is an introduction to our many and varied pets. The first batch will be posted in no particular order and show some photos that I already have sitting around on my hard disk.

Our current menagerie consists of a dog, a cat, two rabbits, two guinea pigs, two budgies, two hamsters and two goldfish!

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Well today is supposedly the first day of Autumn in many people’s minds, so why is it hotter here today than it has been all through August? I’ll never get the hang of British weather so long as I live!

I managed to get a lot of what I wanted to do yesterday but couldn’t finish the pool due to lack of a pump to get the last of the water out (about 1000 litres) so that’ll have to wait until Sunday.

I’ve rarely seen so much mud though. I might very well delay putting the pool up next year to give the garden a chance to dry out before I try to do something with the surface. Anyone know any cheap and cheerful methods of adding some drainage?

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Don’t you just love ’em?

Wind was quite calm going to work this morning, but blowing quite hard now (about 15mph). I’m glad it was behind me, gave me a nice boost coming home 😉

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