Replacement volume/power flex cable fitted. Not an easy task, not perfect but working 100%! For how long I don’t know, but as long as it lasts until Mid April, when I can get a replacement, I’ll be happy π

Replacement volume/power flex cable fitted. Not an easy task, not perfect but working 100%! For how long I don’t know, but as long as it lasts until Mid April, when I can get a replacement, I’ll be happy π
Replacement part for my phone arrived this morning. I’m going to get some double sided tape before fitting!
Today my replacement screen arrived. I got down to replacing it.
I tested it at this point and it was all working! π
The only problem was the buttons wouldn’t stick down. I tried replacing the back panel, pushing the buttons on the cable in as I was pushing. Big mistake I broke the power button! Γ°ΕΈΛΒ±
Replacement on order. Expected Saturday. Until then I’m without my trusty OnePlus 3 π
“So what was the phone call about?” I hear you ask (I have very good hearing for things like this) π
This had arrived. It’s a Bluetooth controller I’ve seen used in a Mamemeister video for playing via emulators on an Android device, but it’s far more versatile that that. Tested wired up to my computer, with a C64 emulator on my (cracked) phone and Mame4Droid on said phone. It takes a bit of configuration but it’s a decent bit of kit. Apparently it’ll even work with the Nintendo Switch!
No time to really play until Monday but I’ll be putting it through its paces from then π
Cycling to work yesterday I notice a missed call from my wife. My phone is kept in an arm mount while cycling, so I pulled onto the pavement, took it out of the mount to call back in case it was urgent.
It was just a delivery (next post) but the trouble started when I went to put the phone back in the mount. It slipped. It was balancing on my lap but when I tried to grab it, it fell to the floor. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem but because it’s now unprotected I noticed something when I picked it up π
It’s still 100% functional but I don’t know how long it’ll stay that way. At first I ordered a screen protector but later did some searching and found a replacement screen, which appears to include the panel, for under ΓΒ£40. The panel means it’ll just mean moving the innards from the cracked part to the new part without any awkward heat gun procedures.
That’s due on Wednesday and as I’m off for the week I’ll have the time to fix it. In the meantime, extra care will be needed!
For a long time I’ve been having ‘fun’ with the Wi-Fi on my SuperHub 2.0. On boot (or reboot) it would take ages for it to become enabled, then even longer before anything would connect. Devices would just sit there, “Obtaining IP address…” so even though the connection was made, the DHCP negotiation would stall.
There was also a problem with devices that were actually connected, especially PS4s, which kept briefly losing connection to the sound of many curse words from my offspring.
Recently this got so bad I decided to call it in as a fault. It took a lot of going around in circles against a support technician who refused to deviate from a script that just wasn’t relevant to my problem, but finally she said the magic words, “Well the only thing I can suggest is a replacement cable modem”… which is what I’d been asking for from the start!
Today the SuperHub 3.0 arrived. Once activated I set about configuration. First thing I noticed was there is no way to change the LAN facing IP address. Ah well, I can work around that. Then disable WPS and set up my own SSIDs and long PSK keys for both frequencies. I used the same SSIDs as the old modem so no device reconfiguration was necessary.
What a difference! Quick negotiation, fast and reliable connection from all connected devices. I can even screen cast from my phone to Chromecast upstairs!
All I have left to work out is why my SIP phone won’t authorise. I ran out of arsed today, but I’ll work on that in the future. Not important, I only have it because I still have credit on Sipgate π
Update: SIP phone fixed. It was still pointing to the old IP address as gateway and DNS server!
So in summary, if you’re having trouble with a SuperHub 2.0, get on the phone. It’s a headache but it’s worth it!
Here, for your delight and astonishment at the standard of road usage, is my latest collection of clips from my regular commute to and from work.
Amazingly, even though it snowed during this period, nothing unusual actually happened! I could upload a snow video if there’s any interest, but it’s really non-eventful.
Since I’m making more use of this blog now, and I know it uses cookies, I thought I’d better make myself a bit GDPR compliant.
I have no data harvesting plugins installed so a simple OK box will suffice π
Strictly speaking I know I don’t really need this (no analytics going on) but better safe than sorry π
I’ve been getting regular headaches again. Paracetamol will shift them but it’s a sign so I thought I’d try something based on what happened to me in the past.
There was an unopened bottle of Beconase in the house, so I tried it yesterday. I know it’s not a quick fix but even so, it helped. My nose was running more often than usual but the headaches subsided.
So, my first impressions than my misshapen sinuses are playing up again appears to be correct. If this works I’ll just keep with the Beconase and not bother the overworked doctors π
I finally managed to get Google Takeout to archive all my G+ history, so I have it saved for prosperity.
I’ve also changed links on here and my main home page to remove the link to G+ and replace it with my Soundcloud page.
From now until its death, anything I post to G+ will not be missed when it’s all gone. I’ve made a lot of good contacts through that platform and will miss it, but the time has come to move on. I won’t stop posting there until I can no longer do so, but as I have been doing, anything I want to keep, goes here.