Category Archives: Cycling

Cycling related posts

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 103

Most things I shrug off, take in my stride and post to YouTube but these close passes are really getting my goat. One day action might be taken over this shitty act. I can dream, can’t I? Anyway, on a … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 101

Back to a more normal schedule (and video length). This one’s under 5 minutes. I do have a burning question though, as stated in the video and description: does anyone know when the 1.5m safe passing distance for cycles actually … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Century Edition!

With a new camera I enter 3 digits of this cycling video series! The new camera is great but has taken some getting used to! First, it doesn’t show the date/time on the screen so I’ve missed the fact it … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 99

3 weeks worth! I had a few days off work for the Ingress event in Bristol, so it took longer. Next one will probably be similar (I have a few days off for my wife’s birthday) but it’ll be with … Continue reading

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New Camera

I bought a new camera, which arrived today. It’s an Apeman Trawo 4K. I have all the footage I need for “Adventures” 99 so 100 will be all with this camera 🙂

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 98

Over 8 minutes this time around! I’m back in sync with my work schedule now so normal running times should follow for a while. The running theme seems to be the Psychic School Of Motoring and Must Get In Front … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 97

In this set of clips we have a good variety. Overtaking to turn left, impatient taxi drivers who can’t wait 3 seconds, a pointless bike lane, red light jumpers (car and bikes), some idiot handbrake turning in a car park, … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 96

Here, for your delight and astonishment at the standard of road usage, is my latest collection of clips from my regular commute to and from work. Amazingly, even though it snowed during this period, nothing unusual actually happened! I could … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 95

I keep making these. People keep doing daft things on the road so I have to! 😉 There’s actually a kudos in this video. Also a clear reason I don’t use shared cycle paths. Pedestrians give less thought to them … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 94

As a break from the norm, and the start of a new process, I’m now posting my cycling videos here, first and foremost. Something I really should have done from the start 😉 This volume comes with an extra video,.where … Continue reading

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