Category Archives: Cycling

Cycling related posts

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 111

Due to summer leave breaking up my normal pattern, this video is quite short with only 10 clips over 4 days. 5 of those clips are close passes, which shows just how bad the situation is, and why less confident … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 110

Not so many close passes this time, but there are still a few. Lots of people on bikes ignoring traffic lights, giving us law-abiding cyclists a bad name. Cardiff Bus drivers doing their company no favours. Dangerous road narrows. Relatively … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 109

Quite a mixed bag this time. Cycles and cars jumping reds, cars stopping at greens, a possible new word, some imagined lip reading and, of course, no shortage of close passes. Two cycles used in this volume, my normal hybrid … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 108

Mostly morning duties do not make for lots of incidents, but do make for safer cycling. We still have over 20 clips though, so enough to be going on with.

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Rumney Trail

I decided to visit some portals I’ve not been near for a while, and I thought the best way would be via the Rumney Trail. I sort of planned the route in my head, but couldn’t quite fully consolidate how … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 107

It’s not all bad this time! Plenty of close passes (as usual) including one that was so close a slight wobble from me would have meant a clip, but also some people getting it right! I only realised after rendering … Continue reading

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Cycle To Work Means New Bike!

This is a Carrera Intercity folding bike I’ve taken possessions of via the Cycle To Work scheme. It won’t replace my Escape 1 as primary transport but will be great for occasional use in cases where the main bike is … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 106

106 episodes are still going strong! As per the video description, I’m hardened to all but the closest of close passes but I’m going to show all due to how frequent an issue this is. One day that law on … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 105

What a day! 9 clips with 1 day to go before 2 days off, which is a good time to upload a new video because I have 7 days work in a row when I go back. 9 clips would … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 104

It it any surprise that both the bullies mentioned in this video are driving Volvos?The twat that caused me to blaspheme passed very close, very deliberately. I have absolutely no doubt about it from the piss taking thumb up he … Continue reading

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