Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 147

Starts and ends with paint scrapers and while shorter than usual has a very high level of ignorance, impatience and arrogance! Oh and rain. Lots of rain. Did I mention the rain? I’m so glad I’m not soluble! Starting from … Continue reading

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This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things!

It’s not very often I post negative things here but this one is regarding the very platform I’m using to show you this crap and the recent increase of hackers targeting WordPress. Well most, if not all, of the hacks … Continue reading

Posted in Negatives | 2 Comments

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 146

Opening on a Christmassy theme… on Remembrance Day! All piss taking aside, I’m not so humbuggy about it this year. It’s been a shit year all round so anything that makes people feel better is OK with me. The rest … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 145

Not as busy as usual, but should have had a few more at the end. More about that later. In the first clip we see a guy on a bike (I refuse to call them cyclists unless they follow the … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 144

The first clip shows a guy on a bike jumping a red light, but if he’d been on the pavement he’d have been legal to do so because it’s a shared cycle path. I’ve often thought of this myself, especially … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 143

What started as a quiet video ended up at over 10 minutes!Road users complain about cyclists… well there are more motorised road users who just completely ignore Rule 167 of the Highway Code than cyclists who jump red lights, and … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 142

Well it’s a monster 11.25 volume this time! (That’s what she said!) Impatience rules the roost, as usual but it’s the last day that stands out. In the clip at 9.25 you can tell alarm bells are ringing, and boy … Continue reading

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Achievement Unlocked!

New vlog post below. Now I don’t normally blog about vlogs, they look after themselves, but this one is slightly different because I hit a target I never thought I’d hit. Twitch Affiliate! I’ll keep saying this, I’m not in … Continue reading

Posted in Positives, Retro, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 141

The theme to this collection of clips is:Must Get In Front! It’s not a long video in comparison to most because there are 5 days of clips and many are in the small hours. This doesn’t stop so many drivers’ … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 140

Revenge of the Paint Scrapers! Sometimes I just feel like riding along the middle of the lane, but I’m not an inconsiderate twat. I’ve said enough on this topic so moving on… I’ve tried something new in this video. Watch … Continue reading

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