Opening on a Christmassy theme… on Remembrance Day! All piss taking aside, I’m not so humbuggy about it this year. It’s been a shit year all round so anything that makes people feel better is OK with me.
The rest of the video is quite eventful with impatience, once again, being the overriding theme. So many drivers just need to get in front, regardless if they’ve anywhere to go, pass with absolutely no regards to the safety of an unprotected person and plenty of red light jumpers, both with and without engines!
Traffic as we approach Christmas this year is just as bad as ever, and when combined with a but of rain it gets abysmal (rain being the other very prominent theme). I find I’m really relying on my wits and experience (and in some cases pure stubbornness) just to stay in one piece more and more!
Now for the video, both on YouTube and LBRY as usual.