Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Run Rabbit Run

Misty found a gap in the fence the other day. We were all sarching the hidden nooks and crannies out our garden when Ceri, from the upstairs window, spotted her in next door’s garden. Anyway, we called in and got … Continue reading

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Phew, That Was Close!

My mother-in-law has trouble walking any distance so when her local Post Office closed she was unable to get to the next nearest so I get her weekly pension for her and take it to her house. Yesterday I had … Continue reading

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Cardiff – City of Lights?

I’ve often wondered why the traffic lights in Cardiff are so poorly synchronised that more time is spent at a stand than on the move but I think I now know the reason: there’re so many of the damned things! … Continue reading

Posted in Negatives, Observations | Leave a comment

Cycling on Pavements

It’s not a habit of mine, in fact about the only thing that’ll get me to ride on the pavement is when some ignorant Newport Bus driver decides to pull past me and pull as close to the kerb as … Continue reading

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Well from some word that just occurred to me while I was driving a train a couple of weeks ago, to a conversation on IRC during my break to lots of work by Shell and has been launched. I … Continue reading

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I saw thumbnails in action on another WordPress based site I now help to admin and wondered why mine didn’t have the option. A bit of digging and I found out it was all to do with libgd, so I … Continue reading

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Roll of Tosserdom – Part 1

Although there have been a few previous, this is the first since I started this blog so the driver of a silver Ford Focus, registration number FY06 ZSG gets the dubious ‘honour’ of being the first recorded tosser on my … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Negatives | Leave a comment

Covers Finally Complete!

A project I started working on last year is finally complete! The description is on my main site so I won’t duplicate it all here, just go there, download it and enjoy… though I apologise in advance for my voice … Continue reading

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Cordless Drills and Broken Fences

I don’t use it much but by Dog is it useful when I need it! It was a Chrismas present from the dragon mother-in-law and it’s proven its worth many times now. Last night some twat (apologies for the language … Continue reading

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Back To School part 1

The two youngest went back to school this morning, surprisingly without rushing or stress 🙂 Tomorrow is part 2, when my eldest is disposed of 😉 Back to normality (whatever that happens to be) on Thursday when #1 troublemaker goes … Continue reading

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