Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

New video, new camera half way through.

New video, new camera half way through.
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An open message to the taxi driver of BG66 THZ!

An open message to the taxi driver of BG66 THZ!
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Posted in Cycling | 5 Comments

New cycling video, including the bus incident, now that it’s been dealt with by the company.

New cycling video, including the bus incident, now that it’s been dealt with by the company.
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Last of the year!

Last of the year!
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New one from yours truly :)

New one from yours truly 🙂
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Here’s another!

Here’s another!
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My latest cycling video is quite short but has a high cockwomble density.

My latest cycling video is quite short but has a high cockwomble density.
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Posted in Cycling | 2 Comments

Only 4 minutes long this time. 13 clips, to prove I’m not superstitious ;)

Only 4 minutes long this time. 13 clips, to prove I’m not superstitious 😉
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I built this on a fresh OS install. Not as smooth as I’d have liked but the end result is fine. Hope you enjoy!

I built this on a fresh OS install. Not as smooth as I’d have liked but the end result is fine. Hope you enjoy!
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Posted in Cycling | 2 Comments

New cycling video. Quite a long one (10:50) due to a greater than normal number of idiots on the road!

New cycling video. Quite a long one (10:50) due to a greater than normal number of idiots on the road!
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