Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

C64 Cruising on Broadway Development – Part 1

I once wrote a port of the Spectrum game, “Cruising on Broadway” for the VIC 20. The setup was in BASIC but the actual gameplay was in machine code, which I wrote on paper, converted to numbers that could be … Continue reading

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New cycling video!

New cycling video!
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New cycling video.

New cycling video.
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New video, new titles, new music.

New video, new titles, new music.
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This mammoth production shows the state of Cardiff’s roads.

This mammoth production shows the state of Cardiff’s roads.
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Latest cycling video.

Latest cycling video.
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New cycling video!

New cycling video!
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New video!

New video!
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This is my first full 4K video. Is it worth it or should I stick to HD @ 60 fps?

This is my first full 4K video. Is it worth it or should I stick to HD @ 60 fps?
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Posted in Cycling | 2 Comments

Flu shortened and flu delayed but here’s my latest cycling video, now at 60fps!

Flu shortened and flu delayed but here’s my latest cycling video, now at 60fps!
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