Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Quickshot II

A few days ago I bought a Quickshot II joystick for my C64 from eBay. Today it arrived. I knew it wasn’t going to be fully working, as advertised, because when I opened the box, two triangular pieces of metal … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 103

Most things I shrug off, take in my stride and post to YouTube but these close passes are really getting my goat. One day action might be taken over this shitty act. I can dream, can’t I? Anyway, on a … Continue reading

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Daphne Emulator

Well it took some doing but I finally have the Daphne Lasterdisk Emulator running again on a 64 bit Linux system (Mint 19) with libraries that are too new for the official version 🙂

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 102

The theme of this volume is, “Impatience!“ So many drivers who have to get in front. So many drivers who think 20cm is enough room. So many drivers who need to get a fucking clue and realise that’s not just … Continue reading

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One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty One

I recently watched the (surprisingly good) Ingress Anime series. Something was highlighted in that series which may affect in-game mechanics. It was stated, and has been mentioned in the lore in the past, that a simulacrum has a maximum lifespan … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 101

Back to a more normal schedule (and video length). This one’s under 5 minutes. I do have a burning question though, as stated in the video and description: does anyone know when the 1.5m safe passing distance for cycles actually … Continue reading

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Smart Watch

On a recommendation from a friend, I decided to give the Smart Watch scene another go. I know what the form factor is capable of so I set my sights very low and bought a Q8 Smart Bracelet from Amazon … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Century Edition!

With a new camera I enter 3 digits of this cycling video series! The new camera is great but has taken some getting used to! First, it doesn’t show the date/time on the screen so I’ve missed the fact it … Continue reading

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A Short Story

Since G+ is now gone, and this was primarily posted there, I thought I’d resurrect it here. A short story I wrote some time in 2015, with a hidden message. “Yes, I’ll do it!” he exclaimed enthusiastically.Once he’d heard of … Continue reading

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New Phone!

It’s not often I get a new phone, so when I upgrade, I make sure it’s good for a few years! This is a OnePlus 6T with 8GB RAM in Mirror Black. I’m impressed with it so far! 😀

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