A few days ago I bought a Quickshot II joystick for my C64 from eBay. Today it arrived.
I knew it wasn’t going to be fully working, as advertised, because when I opened the box, two triangular pieces of metal were found loose. (One fell on the floor and I took a while to realise).

Sure enough, when I tested the joystick, neither fire button worked. I had one of these at hand and attempted to refit it. First time it was like the button was continually pressed. I realised I had seated this piece wrong, fixed my mistake and tried again. That worked and I had one working button.
Then I noticed the second piece. A bit more screwdriver and fiddling later and…

…now I have a fully working joystick! 😀
I did leave positive feedback but sent the seller a message telling him that a less technical person may have not been able to repair this and returned it as not working. I don’t give up that easily 😉
Wow, that brings things flooding back! I had one of those for my Electron. Long gone, unlike the Electron, which is still in my attic, 35 years later.
This was the joystick I used most back in the day too, and cheaper to find than a Competition Pro! After messing about fixing this, I think I can keep it in working condition for a decent time 🙂