Two Factor Authentication and Server Update

I’ve decided to add 2-Factor Authentication to this site to strengthen security. While I don’t use this site much any more (this may change) I haven’t been letting it go stale and have been keeping everything on here up to date. I know full well how dangerous it is to not update; leaving a massive hole in site security with unpatched vulnerabilities!

This follows on from discovering Debian 10, which I was running, has reached End-Of-Life so I quickly updated to Debian 12, which inevitably broke my mail server (also quickly fixed) but otherwise went really smoothly.

Now with everything up to date and running smoothly I feel much more comfortable for the next few years 😉

I hope by now you can see I’m not complacent over security and I’m fully aware nothing is perfectly secure. I do keep an eye on everything I use, even things I don’t use often, to ensure it’s as secure as it can be.

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.
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