This site now has preliminary support for SQRL login and registration.
I’ve tested login, and linking to existing accounts, but I don’t know if registration works with new accounts yet, because I only have one SQRL identity 😉
Anyway, the login option is to the right, under Blogroll.
Update: registration doesn’t work because it conflicts with my anti-spambot measures, but you can link a SQRL login to your existing account as stated.
(Not that many people want to register anyway, but it’s something I’ve been wanting to add for a while) 😉
In January I had a notification from my VPS (Virtual Private Server) provider OVH, telling me that the VPS platform mine was hosted on was being retired on April 30th 2020. They offered 6 months free on the newer platform but migration had to be done manually. This pissed me off beyond belief because I know what’s involved with a full server migration!
There was a slight issue with setting up the replacement to start with but that was quickly resolved.
I’ve been putting it off for a while, deliberately waiting until this week because I’m off work. So this week arrives and I have little choice due to time constraints but now I face another problem: I feel like shit!
It wasn’t straightforward. I didn’t expect it to be straightforward, but I solved all the issues that gave me some severe headaches and now the migration is (provisionally) complete. This is coming from the new server! It took over 7 hours!
I’m keeping the old one active for now, until I’m happy this migration is really complete and I haven’t missed something in the process. Now where’s that LemSip?
A lot of impatience rears its ugly head in this video, and a new (to me) danger is becoming apparent: corner cutters in the small hours!
One clip here stands out as a bit unusual for me, and relates to the recent news regarding the BBC license fee. I’d hate to think how much of this they’re wasting on that active display advertising their most popular programme!
Any road up, on with the show. Enjoy!
Still waiting for WordPress to support LBRY embeds, but until then…
The spade – spade connections weren’t very secure so out came the soldering iron. I definitely need a better one because it took ages to get the brass spades up to temperature, but it all came together in the end. Tested on Vice and MAME, and it all works! 😀
Last week I purchased a custom USB joystick interface, and with the Amiga I had a broken Kempston style joystick (cable torn/bitten/cut) so this morning I did some testing.
It won’t be tidy (until I can find a way to pack it all in the same case) but today I’m going to build a 2 button joystick compatible with emulators such as Vice, UAE and MAME! 🙂
Parts Before Assembly
The spades supplied won’t fit the switches of the joystick, but they will fit the spades of the old joystick, so that’s a ready made adaptor 😉
I’ve done a lot of “playing” today. Some good and some bad has come of it.
Let’s get the bad out of the way first: the left shift key doesn’t work. The problem lies in the keyboard membrane itself, which will need replacing. I didn’t expect this to be easy given the age of the machine. The other bad news is the capture card I have is unsuitable for live gameplay because the lag is almost a full second!
Now I’ve done some work in FS-UAE and with help from a forum I can boot from the CF card with a directory from the computer mounted as a second hard drive so I can easily transfer files across between systems.
I’ve also been working on the Microdrive, and now it mounts automatically when plugged in, with a FAT32 file system! This means, when I have the Amiga set up as I want, I won’t have to open it up every time I want to get new stuff installed.
Microdrive Mounted – Dir of Contents in Shell Window
I dug out an old IBM Microdrive and PCMCIA adaptor from my draw today, tried it on the Amiga but it failed to do anything (recognised but that’s all) with it so I went searching.
I found the updated device and file system files for the FAT filesystem on the Microdrive and installed them to the main CF I have installed. Now I just need to create a mountpoint, (not rocket science but going to need to be awake) and I should then have an easy way to transfer files from PC to Amiga! Fingers crossed 😀
Quite a varied one this time around. Lots of impatience, of course, some causing mayhem and completely blocking a street as the lights change because nobody managed to realise there wasn’t enough room to clear the junction before passing the stop lines.
One guy decides I shouldn’t be on the road (that’s how it feels) so bullies me aside. No point in uploading to police reporting sites, they expect you to keep footage on the camera, but make it clear they’re not going to update you on the case unless it goes to court, so that’s an indefinite waste of card space. It’s like they don’t actually want these reports in the first place.
Interesting that the pedestrian we see fully blames me for scaring the shit out of him (he was yelling at me until I was out of earshot), as I gave plenty of warning, and plenty of space as I passed!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, road narrow / chicanes are fucking dangerous for cyclists. Powered vehicle drivers think nothing of passing a cyclist on approach, then realising they can’t get through so slam on their hydraulic assisted brakes leaving the cyclist with a serious problem avoiding a collision! They don’t work for their intended purpose anyway! They’re supposed to calm traffic yet all too often just stop traffic completely for ages, causing significant queues at peak times. It’s about time these monstrosities were all removed permanently!
An amusing twist at the end. Probably not amusing for the passengers on the bus at the time. No idea what happened but if I find out I’ll update here.