Cycle “Adventures” Volume 139

This time we have quite a mixed bag.

It starts and ends with a Ninja, red light jumpers (as always), impatience (also as always), some very dangerous and to me aggressive behaviour, lead footers, indecision and even a UFO!

The hot weather really did seem to bring out some very bad driving. It wasn’t just me who noticed this either; I had others mentioning it at work.

One thing I’ll say time and time again, many people on bikes act like twats. This is not an excuse to put them, nor especially those of us who do abide by the road traffic laws, in even more danger just because you don’t like them. What you’re targeting is not an object it’s a living human. Would you just walk up to some random person and threaten them for no reason? Not if you’re a decent human, but being in a car and seeing a bike seems to remove all humanity from some. Don’t be one of those some.

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Talking Bollocks – The Start of Vlogging

After creating a series of 7 short Twitch streams daily, to vlog my thoughts after early morning shifts and collating them into an omnibus edition for YouTube and LBRY I’ve decided to make more vlogs. Not streamed but more organised than this rambling 😉

I’ve uploaded the omnibus edition to YouTube and LBRY, creating a new channel for the purpose on LBRY. I’m aiming for around 5 minutes per video but this being a compilation over 7 days it 37 minutes long. If you like rambling bollocks, maybe this will be to your taste 😉

Talking Bollocks on YouTube
Talking Bollocks on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 138

7 days of early mornings in a row!

Lots of the usual impatience, scooters, a made-up word, people not understanding arrows (more likely just ignoring the fucking things, see: impatience) colour blindness and a higher than average level of courtesy!

Sunday’s home trip was by far the most incidental, but not the most scary, which is the very last clip.

Enough waffling, here’s the video on both YouTube and LBRY.

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 137

After a bit of a break I’m back with 7 days worth of clips from my commutes.

There is a lot of impatience in this video. A hell of a lot. Things are returning to normal and people are expecting to move around the same as they have been for the last few months and it’s not happening.

To be honest, the incredible amount of impatience I’m seeing is disheartening. What’s the fucking rush? Slow down, think, stress less, you’ll live longer (and so will I because there’s less chance you’re going to kill me!)

Anyway, you’re not here to see me rambling, you’re here for the video, so on with the show!

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 136

Guest starring a famous cartoon mouse!

In this video we have good news on the road narrows front, an unusual pet walk, not giving in to intimidation, red light jumpers (no bikes for a change), illegal vehicles (scooters are a growing menace), oblivious pedestrians and a frustrating amount of impatience!

I’ve left it a few days longer than usual due to upcoming 2 weeks leave, so it’ll be a bit of a gap until the next video. Enjoy what you see… and hear 😉

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 135

This video sees a lot of red light jumpers, both cycles and cars, and too many close passes. Scooters are also becoming more popular and it’s only a matter of time before they make local news headlines.

On a positive note, at least they’re finally removing the road narrows! Greenway Road is almost done, just the two on New Road to go to make my journey just that bit safer.

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 134

Given the number of close passes and drivers who just must get in front or push out first in this video you’d be mistaken for thinking the roads were busier than they actually are!
I really think lockdown is seriously affecting people’s ability to drive!

On a technical note, this is the first time I’ve had a clip split over 2 camera videos, and it’s seamless!

Enjoy watching! 🙂

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

Thanks to Simon Ward for pointing me in the right direction regarding alignment 🙂

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 133

They keep coming! 133 and no sign of slowing down!

Quite a short one this time though, but still some “interesting” clips.
No shortage of cockwombles and even a considerate Audi driver!

Kudos to anyone who gets the quote that pops up near the end! 😉

Cycle “Adventures” on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” on LBRY

– Link to LBRY version if the above doesn’t work –

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Crypto Update

The story so far: Joined Brave Rewards in December, started with other Cryptocurrency in January. £10 initially put into Bitcoin via Coinbase using debit card, some sent to Bittrex, some sent to a home hosted wallet. Another £10 in Bitcoin via Coinbase via bank transfer to test fees, both the same (too much IMO). Trigger for the toe dipping being LBC (LBRY Credits) linked to the LBRY content hosing platform.

Since then, Brave Rewards became linked to Uphold, which now allows deposits in cash and trade to cryptocurrency with tiny fees, which I discovered with another £10 deposit. Current spend on Bitcoin: £30 with £2 lost in Coinbase fees, the £3 I sent to Bittrex locked away because the fee for transfer out is more than I have and a few pennies lost in transfer fees. LBC trade still awkward but there seem to be “instant exchanges” now available which will trade other currencies to LBC. No need to worry about that yes, I only use LBC for tipping other creators and publishing, and I’m not low on that currency yet.

Now for the figures. After all the playing I decided to centralise all with Uphold, because of its very low (and free for internal transactions) fees. I currently have £29.69 worth of Bitcoin and £24.12 worth of BAT. My LBC balance is 350.08 LBC worth £15.82.

So I have lost 31p in Bitcoin but as I’ve put no financial input into either BAT or LBC that’s a gain of £39.94! OK, it’s not going to fund retirement, but it’s relatively free money!

About £10 of that is down to 2 referrals to download, install and use the Brave Browser, the rest is just clicking away unobtrusive ads. Those who know me know my feelings on referrals so I don’t spam them. If I did I’d probably make a whole lot more, but as it is I’ll keep my referral link to the occasional blog post (the link is above – using it would make me happy ?). It’s not get rich quick, but that’s probably why it actually works.

LBRY is also worthwhile, not just due to LBC but because it’s less restricted than YouTube. They’ll still block dangerous content via their own clients (which is still on the blockchain so available through other clients anyone may wish to build) but won’t remove content just because the admin or some AI don’t like it.

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 132

Quite an impressive display of cockwomblery in this video! A lot of the time you’d have a hard time believing we’re in lockdown.

The worst part of this whole video, in my mind as a parent, was seeing the young girl riding pillion on an off-road bike, neither her nor the rider were wearing helmets and the road was far from quiet!

On a positive note, the relative position of the camera to the Garmin you often see moving around is fixed. This shows how good the image stabilisation is on the GoPro Hero Black 8 🙂

Cycle “Adventures” 132 on YouTube
Cycle “Adventures” 132 on LBRY

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