
Just a quick on-the-move post to let you all know I’ve broken my shoulder after being knocked off my bike by an idiot in a silver Citroen pulling out of a side street 🙁

I’m ok in myself, just a bit sore. More details when I get a chance because I have a feeling I’m going to be fussed over when I get home and not get a chance to get at the computer for a while 😉


Definitely a broken clavicle. Sent home from hospital in a sling and with painkillers. Trauma clinic Thursday. Feeling much under the weather. Bike condition unknown, apart from a definitely knackered front wheel, sould be able to arrange that to be returned tomorrow.

Very bad timing, I had a guaranteed easy overtime day tomorrow too, now I’m off for who knows how long 🙁

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Bye bye fishy

One of the two fish died yesterday 🙁

Almost 8 years old they are too!

Let’s hope the other isn’t going to follow close behind.

Posted in Pets | 2 Comments

City of Lights – Reprise

The two new sets of lights in the City Centre are now active, and guess what? Yes, I was caught by one of them on my way to work this morning (in which time no traffic emerged from the “green” direction, until the one car that approached triggered the change to green for my direction). In fact, out of 22 sets I was caught by 11 of the bloody things!
My journey to and from work can basically be split into two roughly 3 mile sections. The “home” side being mostly easy hills (down to work) and traffic light free and the “work” side being mainly flat and saturated with traffic lights, 10 of them in the last mile. They can add up to 10 minutes to my journey because they’re so badly organised. I sometimes wonder why I bother stopping at them but the reasons are twofold: (1) also being a driver I like to follow the Highway Code and (2) I like to stay alive!
Also, while I’m thinking about it: “CYCLISTS DISMOUNT”. What the hell is that supposed to be in aid of? It’s a sign I’ve seen on many of the aforementioned “psycho paths” where it’s just too narrow for both cyclists and pedestrians to co-inhabit and just highlights the sheer pointlessness of them. I mean, would you expect to get out of a car to push it across a narrow bridge? Well why do they insist cyclists do so? I’ll just stick to the safer roads thank you very much.

Posted in Cycling, Observations | 1 Comment


No, not wedding or anything as exciting as that but it’s a year ago today my cycle computer was fitted to my old, second-hand racer. This was transferred over to my mountan bike at Christmas and between them I’ve run up a grand total of 2326.7 miles. I’m happy with that 🙂

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November the 5th

Is it just me or does this date start earlier and last longer every bleeding year? There have been bangs and crackles going off all evening!
I reckon it’s time to ban the sale of these bloody fireworks to the public until the start of November, and totally if the buyer is wearing a hoodie. They’re bloody dangerous with them!

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Modern Art?

I took photos of these picutres I saw hanging the other day:

Modern Art 1

Now I can just work out this is supposed to be a field…

Modern Art 2

…but what the frell this is supposed to be is anyone’s guess.

To think, someone actually paid money for these. My 6 year old son has done similar, maybe he’s a budding artist with a talent we’ve yet to discover. Sod the fridge magnets, maybe a few ebay sales might be a better idea 😉

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Psycho Lanes

Now correct me if I’m wrong but generally the traffic on our roads follows The Highway Code, which is written with keeping vehicles apart while travelling in an orderly manner in mind, and on the pavements, where pedestrians walk, it’s generally a free for all with nobody really caring what anyone else is doing.

So why or why do councils think it’s  a good idea to mix pedestrians and cyclist in the same area (combined cycle/pedestrian paths)? It’s a recipe for disaster if you ask me! I’d much rather take my chances on the rule governed road than the anarchistic pavement and feel much safer doing so, and anyway, it’s my choice, right?

Well some people think otherwise, like the bus driver a while back hanging off my back tyre beeping me to get onto this psycho path (AKA the pavement) when the bus lane I was in has a cycle logo at its start! Who did he think he was? Well I basically signalled him past me letting him no that in no uncertain terms was I going to ride along the pavement, especially when my intended route would have taken me back onto the same road within 100 yards, and not off around a suburb I had no intention of visiting following this path!

Even when they (the council) get a good idea and put a cycle path as a clearly separate entity alongside the walkway they screw it up by having a narrow fenced off pavement one end and a pedestrian crossing to cross the road at the other with the lane fenced off from the main road so you’re stuck to this bottleneck if you foolishly choose this particular psycho path. These token attempts are useless and just a waste of money in my opinion.

It’s about time they either created some dedicated cycle paths or more cyclists actually learn The Highway Code rather than just disregarding every sign and signal on our roads. Maybe then we’d actually get some respect, but given human nature I doubt that’ll ever happen… either way!

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I tidied up the computer corner today. Now I know that a tidy desk is the sign of a disturbed mind but it had to be done! Honestly!

It was so bad I couldn’t even see the printer 😉

At least I can actually find stuff again now, and I also took the opportunity to get the kids to round up all my Dr Who DVDs they’d “borrowed” over the last few weeks and not put back.

Jane’s PDA has a damaged connector and hasn’t been charging for a while so while I was on a roll I decided to go on a hunt, found the part I needed online and tried to disassemble it to see if I could replace it myself. I can. When I put it back together again I was pleasantly surprised to see the charge light blinking when I plugged it in!

It could still do with the part so it can sync via the cable but there’s no rush now. A good day all around 🙂

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SuSE and POP3

I was asked by a friend of mine to help his get POP3 working on his server. No problems, I think, takes 5 mins. I was wrong.

I knew it was going to take some thought when I noticed it was running SuSE. I’ve never so much as played with that distro before so it was going to be trial and error.

I finally sorted out the fact that a decent enough imap/pop3 server was already installed, so I changed the xinet configs and tried to connect.

Connection was successful, but entering a user gave a dreaded error that meant is was not going to allow plaintext connections. Some googling later and we deduced this has been deliberately block hard by SuSE so had to go down the SSL route.

The biggest problem was finding out where the ssl certificates go, which I found by checking the logs. Once there imap worked but not pop3. A quick look at the logs and a resulting copy of the imap.pem to pop3d.pem and finally it was working! An hour and a half for that, most of it searching for clues!

All I can say here is it’s a good job I’m now using Linux as my primary system and have previously worked with ssl or I’d still be there now 😉

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Just finished a week of really early shifts and am just starting to recover. I’m actually getting fed up of pre 5am starts. Although I never oversleep I feel completely frelled by the weekend which is why I haven’t put anything in here for the last few days even though I have more thoughts on the traffic lights in Cardiff. I guess I’ll do that tomorrow 😉

I now have three days off and looking forward to rearranging the living room. Ah well, can’t have everything I suppose 😉

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