Volume 4 of my newest cycle video series.

Volume 4 of my newest cycle video series.

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Video from the Bike Team at the Shōnin event in Cardiff on the 28th March 2015.

Video from the Bike Team at the Shōnin event in Cardiff on the 28th March 2015.

Mini sitrep follows:

For Measurement 1 we were assigned the Volatile Portal at Mosaic by Mt Stuart Primary and on arrival it was green. I tried to flip but it was immune, so we took it down and made it blue the hard way. Right before the measurement window it was flipped green so good work from the Enlightened, however it lasted for around 30s before being returned to blue, and it stayed like that until end of measurement. We claimed this Volatile for the Resistance. We were ably aided in this measurement by Team 3 – Cake Squadron.

For Measurement 2 we headed to Newtown Memorial Gardens which was another out-of-cluster volatile. This was blue from the start due to being flipped right before the measurement window but about 5 minutes in everything seemed to stall. Nothing to do. Several scanner refreshes and forced restarted didn’t change this which had me confused, but it seemed the Enlightened had given up halfway through. Another Volatile claimed by us for the Resistance.

There was a slight panic here as a link to Bristol was blocking a planned field. Luke and I headed to the shorter link anchors in anticipation but that proved unnecessary so we headed back to the rest of the team, and planned to leave a team member in place to flip to remove the link before the next measurement window but a team of Enlightened agents suddenly appeared and did the job for us. Whoever you were, thanks guys, it was appreciated! 😉

For Measurement 3 we headed to Tabernacle on The Hayes, which happened to be a Cluster Portal for the previous measurement but was now an out-of-cluster Volatile. We flipped this with 15 minutes to go and it changed hands a few times before the measurement window, but even though this was hotly contended with enough Enlightened Xmp fallout to wipe everything in the vicinity, we held it and claimed our third.

For the last Measurement we were assigned two Volatiles, Taff Trail Marker and Bute Park Wild Boar. Again, Team 3 – Cake Squadron were here with us and we decided to split, with me taking some to Wild Boar and Doug staying with some at Taff Trail. I flipped the Boar on arrival and it was quickly turned green and heavily shielded. I decided we wouldn’t waste any equipment until 5 minutes before the Measurement Window then knocked off the shields with Ultrastrikes and spread out to attempt recapture, which was successful very close to measurement start. We held this until the end, capturing this Volatile. On rejoining the rest of the teams we found the managed to turn theirs blue, but not until 8 minutes in…. but as it happened the measurement was taken at 9:55 so we claimed it, making it a perfect 5/5 claimed by every Bike Team target!

Good work guys, it was a pleasure working with you and an excellent Intel and Despatch team 😀

Bike Team in no particular order:

Doug Ipperciel (TL)

Jim Greenaway 

Matt Rogerson 

Paul Foster

Terry Sherwin 

Ben Wetherill 

luke henderson 

Matt Cuzner 

nick hodges 


Justin Jackson 

Honourable Mention:

Jitesh Mistry of Team 3 – Cake Squadron.

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My previous video edited, with some bad words removed, and music added.

My previous video edited, with some bad words removed, and music added.

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A few days’ gap means a longer video :)

A few days’ gap means a longer video 🙂

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Three days worth of interesting things. Second upload due to unnoticed typo first time around.

Three days worth of interesting things. Second upload due to unnoticed typo first time around.

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The cycle series is back!

The cycle series is back!

New camera, new editing software, new title 🙂

Posted in Cycling | 5 Comments

Still Alive!

Just saying 😉

After a rush of shit to the brain, and following another site’s report that they got hacked through WordPress, I decided to give my blogs a bit of attention.

Not much attention, but they’re now up to date.

Still very much active on G+, feel free to add me to your Circles (but don’t expect me to add yo uback if all you do is spam) ;P

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More Neglect!

I’m doing most bloggy things on G+ because it’s faster and easier… so why not go visit?

My Google+ Page

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I’ve been neglecting this site lately in favour of social media but I’m going to post some updates later.  Mainly pets in and out but maybe some other stuff. Depends on time 🙂

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R.I.P. Stewie

Our oldest hamster, almost 3 years old, passed away today. He’s been flagging for a few days but today finally lost the battle 🙁

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