New video, new title screens!

New video, new title screens!

Feel free to Γ°ΕΈβ€˜Β these, if you do. I don’t mind πŸ˜‰
Posted in Cycling | 3 Comments

Latest video.

Latest video. Quickest yet to produce. Used a more powerful second computer so it took less time and didn’t hog my workhorse while it was rendering.
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Demonstrating the dangers of road narrows, even professionals get caught out, as seen in this clip where this…

Demonstrating the dangers of road narrows, even professionals get caught out, as seen in this clip where this Cardiff Bus driver overtakes me before he can see the way is clear, causing me to stop to avoid a collision.
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My latest cycling video. This one contains a small typo that I can’t be arsed to re-render and upload ;)

My latest cycling video. This one contains a small typo that I can’t be arsed to re-render and upload πŸ˜‰
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New cycling video. Bad words warning ;)

New cycling video. Bad words warning πŸ˜‰

Also bumped into some late night #Resistance agents here for #Ingress #MissionDay πŸ™‚
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Just 5 days worth. So many cockwombles!

Just 5 days worth. So many cockwombles!
Posted in Cycling | 2 Comments

New video.

New video.
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Earlier than expected, I present to you… Volume 45!

Earlier than expected, I present to you… Volume 45!
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I got a round tuit!

I got a round tuit!

Next one tomorrow.
Posted in Cycling | 6 Comments

Forty Two!

Forty Two!
Posted in Cycling | 1 Comment