I once wrote a port of the Spectrum game, “Cruising on Broadway” for the VIC 20.
The setup was in BASIC but the actual gameplay was in machine code, which I wrote on paper, converted to numbers that could be entered using DATA statements, before I understood the use of carry and overflow flags!
Well now I’ve decided to revisit the past, using more powerful development tools, and write the port again, on the C64, using 100% machine code.
I’m using the Vice 64 emulator with a folder attached to Drive #9 into which I save the assembled result.
I’m using the xa65 cross assembler and the kate text editor the actual development.
So far I have this:
It’s not much yet, but that demonstrates a split clear screen routine and the beginnings of a line draw routing using PETSCII graphics.
I’ve not used my blog for a while, but I think this a worthy reawakening, don’t you? 😉