Ingress – The Post That Started It All

Since this post will vanish on or soon after April 2nd this year, I have it here for prosperity.

Ingress – the game that’s taken up so much of my life in the last 5 years, started for me as a trending topic on Google+ and got me intrigued. At the time it was invite only, and people were getting invited for posting things to G+ related to Ingress. This is the post that got me that invite!

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New User Spam

Hah! Got you!

I finally figured out how spambots are getting past my registration checks. The default login URL was active even though the option was hidden. Not any more 😉

User base now cleaned up to those I know are genuine. Fresh users starts now.

Simple registration is available for anyone who wants to create an account for commenting. I’m not going to make more complex changes, eg. allowing full customisation of profile, because it’s not necessary and may fall under GDPR, which I don’t really want. Just a username and email address so you can self verify and reset password of necessary. You should never get any other email from this blog and if you do, let me know so I can stop it.

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Best Android C64 Emulator

Watching one of Mamemeister’s latest videos he mentioned a series of emulators by Robert Broglia. I decided to give his C64 emulator a go. Not free, £2.99, but I’ve tried it with a few things so far and it performs so well it’s worth the meagre cost!

Tried with: My own game: Cruising on Broadway, LMan’s Vortex demo: highlighting a tune that I’ve yet to hear accurately emulated on any other Android emulator / SID Player and two TAP files, Sanxion and Quedex. Flawless.

You can find it >> here << 🙂

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Bloody Vikings!

So spambots can seemingly easily bypass Captcha and email verification. For this reason, any new user registration will need to be authorised manually. If you’re somebody I don’t know and you genuinely want to register, let me know via any other means of contact or I’ll just hit the Deny button.

Posted in General | Leave a comment Party August 2009 (Test Footage)

Today I decided to wake up my old (by today’s standards) Panasonic SDR-H40 camcorder. It’s not HD but has a 40GB HDD built in and a 42x optical zoom. After finding the correct cables I connected it to my computer and pulled all the video from it. I had a look at what I’d got and decided this would be an ideal test subject for the video quality when published online.

This is from the party in Warrington on August 22nd 2009. Almost 10 years ago! It certainly brings back some memories 😀

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 95

I keep making these. People keep doing daft things on the road so I have to! 😉

There’s actually a kudos in this video. Also a clear reason I don’t use shared cycle paths. Pedestrians give less thought to them than road traffic and they’re often far, far more dangerous than the roads, especially at the speeds I ride.

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G+ Archives – A Change of Mind

I’ve thought about it and decided what I’ve posted on G+ in the last 5 years contains some good memories, but they’re not worth the cost of backup and import, so when G+ dies, so do those posts.

I’ve learned from the experience though, and I’m now fully committed (not that way though maybe I should be 😉 ) to posting everything I want to keep (and even stuff that’s just bollocks) on here. Here’s to a positive future 🙂

Posted in General, Positives | 4 Comments

Registration Spam

Today I was made aware of a new (to me) form of spam: User Registration Spam.

I’ve now installed a plugin to handle new account verification. Any problems, please let me know.

New login / registration links are now below the header photo.

I admit, it needs work. That needs time. I don’t have that yet but it will improve 😉

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Thought of the Day – Sci-Fi Impossibilities

My mind drifted into science and science fiction today, as it does, and I thought, “What science fiction technology is likely to be completely impossible?”

Here’s my list:

  • Faster than light travel.
  • Traversable wormholes.
  • Time travel to the past.
  • Travel to another universe (assuming any exist).
  • Miniaturisation – not making things small like microcomputers, but making existing things smaller without loss of mass or structure.
  • Any manipulation of the curvature of space time outside the framework of General Relativity – so no anti-gravity and no warp drive.
  • Macro teleportation – quantum teleportation is a reality but I don’t see it scaling up. Even a full atom of significant atomic number would be so improbable as to be practically impossible.
  • Non Newtonian propulsion, eg. the disproven M-Drive.
  • Force fields that can protect from matter projectiles and energy weapons.

I could add to this with things like light sabres, but they’re more science fantasy than science fiction. I can discuss my reasons why I think the above will prove impossible, and I’m willing (hoping in many cases) to be proven wrong. I’ll also give my opinions on any other technology you can think of.

The floor is open. Here, or any of the social media platforms I link this from.

NB: Thought of the Day is not a regular feature, but may reappear from time to time.

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Ingress Memories

I’m not confident that these memorable posts will survive when G+ is taken away from us so I’m posting them here for archive purposes.

One is a record of the first ever, documented hack of both ADA and JARVIS weapons, and the other is one hell of a drift I experienced in the early days.

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