Highlights From A Trip To London

Me, Jane and the two eldest offspring took a trip to London on Thursday 8th August.
First major outing with the wheelchair for Jane! That was an experience in itself.

We stayed at the Royal Scot Travelodge in Kings Cross. Booked in, went to the room, it was as far into a corner dungeon as you can imagine! The doorway was partially blocked by the wall so it was impossible to get the wheelchair in without folding it. Went back to reception and room was changed to something far better on the ground floor.
No hand soap near the sink but soap in the shower so made do and informed reception. We got food from the chicken place across the road from the hotel. Better that the big chains and better value any day!

At 00:30 there was a knock on the door. Jane nudged me because I was fast asleep. It was security asking who we were. I told them. 5 minutes later they were back asking for proof of booking. There was a mix up with the rooms and we were booked into the room next door. Someone else booked in and couldn’t get into the room. I was a bit pissed off about this, but left it at that.

Morning time: took a shower… which was like standing under a tap because the shower head didn’t spread well. Offspring saw a mouse in their room the first night. They were offered a move but declined because it didn’t show again.

On the way out I reminded reception about the lack of soap and off we went. Breakfast at the cafe nearby then bus to the London Eye. After the Eye, we went around the Sea Life exhibition, which was most enjoyable.

Got back to the hotel, still no soap and now, no hand towels. Informed reception again and was given a hand towel. Evening food was at the nearby Italian restaurant, which I do recommend.

Second night was undisturbed. Breakfast at the same cafe and then bus to Madame Tussaud’s. Joined the queue at the appropriate time and was advised to fast track because we had the wheelchair, only yo be told we had to book specially for a wheelchair and the next opening was in 2 hours time. Sod that, I put the wheelchair in the room provided and Jane walked. Slow going but managed. It was a good job too. A wheelchair would have been a nightmare with all the stairs!

Then the part I wasn’t looking forward to. Shopping on Oxford Street. So much ignorance and impatience. Getting the wheelchair around was awkward to say the least. I was glad when that was over!

Back to the hotel and food from the chicken place again. Pub was full of football fans so bought beer from the shop and took that back to the hotel. Still no soap. Mouse made another appearance but too late to change now.

Sunday, booked out but left 10 cases at the hotel while we made our way to the Imperial War Museum for lunch with an old school friend, Cliff. That was not good value, and Cliff’s wife’s meal never appeared. We told the counter staff where we were sat and they said they would call. I stated we were probably out of earshot and they said they’d find us. They didn’t.

We were here last year but Harry wasn’t so that’s the reason for the return visit and the reason there aren’t many photos.

Back to the hotel for the luggage, which was easier than I expected to handle, walked to Kings Cross Underground. Waited there for a while before heading to Victoria Coach station. A few beers at the Traveller’s Tavern and an uneventful trip home. All in all an enjoyable time despite the off bits πŸ™‚

Photo Album from the trip.

42 Minutes of uncommented video!
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 110

Not so many close passes this time, but there are still a few.

Lots of people on bikes ignoring traffic lights, giving us law-abiding cyclists a bad name.

Cardiff Bus drivers doing their company no favours.

Dangerous road narrows.

Relatively short, given recent videos, but quite a mixed bag. This is my last video for a few weeks because I’m off work until the 18th August. Other things to do πŸ˜‰

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 110
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 109

Quite a mixed bag this time. Cycles and cars jumping reds, cars stopping at greens, a possible new word, some imagined lip reading and, of course, no shortage of close passes.

Two cycles used in this volume, my normal hybrid and my new foldable. The fact I carted that to Chester and back for no reason is a lesson to be learned for the future Γ°ΕΈΛœβ€š

The words on my lips as the woman overtook the horses were, “You stupid cow!” πŸ˜‰

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 109
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 108

Mostly morning duties do not make for lots of incidents, but do make for safer cycling. We still have over 20 clips though, so enough to be going on with.

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 108
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Rumney Trail

I decided to visit some portals I’ve not been near for a while, and I thought the best way would be via the Rumney Trail.

I sort of planned the route in my head, but couldn’t quite fully consolidate how it connected from Pentwyn to Rumney Hill Gardens. As it turned out, I still couldn’t when on the trail!

I had a feeling I’d run into a dead end, so left with plenty of time (I’m not that daft) and after some rough ground and a lot of thorny branches I backtracked to a location I knew I could use to get back to a navigable path. Even though I didn’t know my exact location relative to the more well used tracks (I was using the Ingress scanner as a map) I still knew it would lead to a better path, and it did.

One thing this did teach me: while I’m an accomplished road cyclist, I’m a novice 0ff-road. Do I regret it? Hell no! I’m looking at Google Maps as I type this and realise where I went wrong, and the right way would have meant a lot more doubling back (I needed to be the other side of the river). Not something I’d do regularly, but given the weather and time I might do this again, but not go past the waypoint I tag in the video.

The video is quite long and mostly uneventful but I’ve annotated parts and it might be interesting to some.

I was also logging with Strava. The link to that ride is >here<.

The “fun” starts at about 7:30
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 107

It’s not all bad this time! Plenty of close passes (as usual) including one that was so close a slight wobble from me would have meant a clip, but also some people getting it right!

I only realised after rendering that the guy at 5:30 has an ankle tag fitted Γ°ΕΈΛœβ€š

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 107
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Cycle To Work Means New Bike!

This is a Carrera Intercity folding bike I’ve taken possessions of via the Cycle To Work scheme. It won’t replace my Escape 1 as primary transport but will be great for occasional use in cases where the main bike is impractical πŸ™‚

I ordered it Monday, Wednesday I received a missed call from Halfords so called them back and booked a built pickup today. On my way home from work to pick it up I got a phone call asking when I’d like it built for pickup!

I got to Halfords expecting to be taking home a box, but the shop tech was already building it, because it’s not a complex build at all so only took about 20 minutes.

So I got to ride it home. Very strange at first but as it’s designed to be adjustable on the fly I soon had it set up as I like it. Slight problem with gear changes but nothing major, and I did a bit of Ingress on the way home too.

On arriving home, I fitted lights, The Hornit (after removing the bell) a camera mount and a cycle computer. I’m not too happy with the latter, it’s open to interference so shows 56mph at a stand, but it was only a cheap one to get started. I’ll get a better one soonΓ’β€žΒ’.

The Hornit (my 140dB bell replacement) will now fit on all three of my bikes very quickly. I feel more comfortable with that fitted than a bell πŸ˜‰

Carrera Intercity (Grey)
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 106

106 episodes are still going strong!

As per the video description, I’m hardened to all but the closest of close passes but I’m going to show all due to how frequent an issue this is. One day that law on close passing, promised for 2019, will come into effect. Not that I believe it’ll make the slightest bit of difference.

Also we see a woman on her phone, at night, in the rain, walk out into the road while looking at her phone. The button had slipped wasn’t where I expected it to be when I went to sound The Hornit but I still managed to notice and steer around. I don’t want to be brought to blame for someone else’s idiocy!

On a brighter note, 2 kudos given in this episode! I don’t think I’ve given 2 before in a single video! I actually prefer to show this than bad driving, but sadly the latter far outweighs consideration, especially towards cyclists.

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 106.
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 105

What a day!

9 clips with 1 day to go before 2 days off, which is a good time to upload a new video because I have 7 days work in a row when I go back. 9 clips would be too short but today was special… and enough idiots and twats showed up to give me another 12 show and tell opportunities and make the video worth uploading!

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 105
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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 104

It it any surprise that both the bullies mentioned in this video are driving Volvos?
The twat that caused me to blaspheme passed very close, very deliberately. I have absolutely no doubt about it from the piss taking thumb up he gave as I passed. He had nowhere to go but to the queue of traffic stopped at the lights so had no need to pass at all, yet he did so close that a less experienced cyclist may have come a cropper.

Even if you don’t do as I do, a camera is a great help if something actually did happen.

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