Category Archives: General

Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else

More Neglect!

I’m doing most bloggy things on G+ because it’s faster and easier… so why not go visit? My Google+ Page

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I’ve been neglecting this site lately in favour of social media but I’m going to post some updates later.  Mainly pets in and out but maybe some other stuff. Depends on time 🙂

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Say Hello To Bluebell

This is Bluebell, chosen and named by my eldest daughter Ceri. I was going to leave the photo until tomorrow but I saw her so still on the top level of her cage and totally unresponsive when I picked her … Continue reading

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Catch up!

I’ve been neglecting this part of my web experience so here’s a catchup. In the time since I last posted we’ve lost two pets: Bluey the budgie and Caramel the hamster. We won’t be getting any more budgies but we … Continue reading

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I’ve finally decided to set up a blog. Dog knows what I’ll put in here but I’m sure I’ll get around to something someday 😉

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