Category Archives: Cycling

Cycling related posts

Three days worth of interesting things. Second upload due to unnoticed typo first time around.

Three days worth of interesting things. Second upload due to unnoticed typo first time around.
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The cycle series is back!

The cycle series is back!
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Posted in Cycling | 5 Comments

Back on 2 wheels

Today I decided it was about time I got back into cycling, and as I had to visit my mother-in-law and the weather is good I thought it would be an idea time to do so (and it’s about time … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Positives | Leave a comment

Back To Work

Yesterday saw me ride a bike (new one) for the first time since the accident and I have to admit I was very nervous to start with. I decided to use it because I had a resumption medical in Bristol … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Positives, Work | Leave a comment

Accident – Update #2

Day 4 after the accident and it hurts just to move. Ibuprofen are crippling my stomach so I have to stop taking them, leaving my with co-codamol which is making me constantly lethargic. Pain in my foot had come out … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Negatives | Leave a comment

Accident – Update #1

Some photographs: Damage done to the bike. Damage done to the pedal. I think I must have lifted my legs or I surely wouldn’t be walking now! Side view of the damage to the front wheel. Front view of the … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Negatives | Leave a comment


Just a quick on-the-move post to let you all know I’ve broken my shoulder after being knocked off my bike by an idiot in a silver Citroen pulling out of a side street 🙁 I’m ok in myself, just a … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Negatives | Leave a comment

City of Lights – Reprise

The two new sets of lights in the City Centre are now active, and guess what? Yes, I was caught by one of them on my way to work this morning (in which time no traffic emerged from the “green” … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Observations | 1 Comment


No, not wedding or anything as exciting as that but it’s a year ago today my cycle computer was fitted to my old, second-hand racer. This was transferred over to my mountan bike at Christmas and between them I’ve run … Continue reading

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Psycho Lanes

Now correct me if I’m wrong but generally the traffic on our roads follows The Highway Code, which is written with keeping vehicles apart while travelling in an orderly manner in mind, and on the pavements, where pedestrians walk, it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Thoughts | Leave a comment