Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

SQRL Support

This site now has preliminary support for SQRL login and registration. I’ve tested login, and linking to existing accounts, but I don’t know if registration works with new accounts yet, because I only have one SQRL identity 😉 Anyway, the … Continue reading

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Server Migration Complete!

In January I had a notification from my VPS (Virtual Private Server) provider OVH, telling me that the VPS platform mine was hosted on was being retired on April 30th 2020. They offered 6 months free on the newer platform … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 127

Things seem to follow themes in these videos; I don’t know why, but this volume’s theme is the return of the paint scrapers. There’s always the overriding theme of impatience. I think if people were more patient on the roads … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 126

A lot of impatience rears its ugly head in this video, and a new (to me) danger is becoming apparent: corner cutters in the small hours! One clip here stands out as a bit unusual for me, and relates to … Continue reading

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USB Arcade Joystick – Complete!

The spade – spade connections weren’t very secure so out came the soldering iron. I definitely need a better one because it took ages to get the brass spades up to temperature, but it all came together in the end. … Continue reading

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USB Arcade Joystick Project

Last week I purchased a custom USB joystick interface, and with the Amiga I had a broken Kempston style joystick (cable torn/bitten/cut) so this morning I did some testing. It won’t be tidy (until I can find a way to … Continue reading

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Amiga 1200 Update – Microdrive Success!

I’ve done a lot of “playing” today. Some good and some bad has come of it. Let’s get the bad out of the way first: the left shift key doesn’t work. The problem lies in the keyboard membrane itself, which … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 125

One hundred and twenty five! Can you believe it? I made a Vlog post to accompany this one. That’s 7 minutes of unscripted monologue. Am I getting better at it? I’ll let you decide. As usual, YouTube videos are embedded, … Continue reading

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Amiga 1200 Update

I dug out an old IBM Microdrive and PCMCIA adaptor from my draw today, tried it on the Amiga but it failed to do anything (recognised but that’s all) with it so I went searching. I found the updated device … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 124

Quite a varied one this time around. Lots of impatience, of course, some causing mayhem and completely blocking a street as the lights change because nobody managed to realise there wasn’t enough room to clear the junction before passing the … Continue reading

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