Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.


This is the state of our garden after the pool was put into storage and the groundsheets taken up. Dog knows if that’ll get any better before the Winter really cuts in 🙁 I’m leaving it uncovered for a few … Continue reading

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Pool In Storage

Well today I got hold of a pump and drained the pool. It’s now awaiting purchase of some huge black bags so it can go away properly for the Winter. It’s going to need a good old fashioned cleanout before … Continue reading

Posted in Negatives, Thoughts | 1 Comment


Well we can tell Winter is starting its inevitable approach: three trains I’ve driven this week have disconnected cab heaters! Not so bad during the day but no fun at 04:00 😐 [Edit] Ah, hang on, brain fried. One of … Continue reading

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Leaf Fall

On the way home today I noticed a lot of brown things on the road that once were green things and stuck to trees. It seems the wind is stronger than a flatulant on beans today! Anyway, seeing these means … Continue reading

Posted in Work | 1 Comment

Munchkin being soft

Well she wanted to go for a ride!

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Meet Bluey and Snowy

Bluey and Snowy are our current budgies. We got them together from the same cage at a Cardiff Market stall and they haven’t stopped chirping and squawking since! They ‘fight’ so much too I’m sure they think they’re married!

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Meet Misty

This is our new bunny Misty. We can’t let her and tHumper out together for obvious reasons 😉 Note: when I first posted that I thought Harry had named her Mitzi. I was wrong 😉

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Meet Thumper

This is our big lop-eared tHumper. The capitalisation is deliberate for reasons I’ll leave to your imagination (poor Socks!)

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Meet The Fish

Our 7 year old goldfish in their newest tank. This photo is about a year old and we’ve since added a few more playthings to the water.

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Meet Kim and Tweety (both R.I.P.)

Kim’s the blue one, Tweety’s green. Both sadly demised. Not quite sure why either.

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