Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

TV Drive

We had ntl’s TV Drive installed today. The STB is a Scientific Atlanta – Explorer 8300DVB Spec sheet (PDF). which so far hasn’t exhibited any major problems. There’s a FAQ available here which explains a lot but my personal first … Continue reading

Posted in Positives | 2 Comments

Trauma Clinic #4

Not a good day today. Wind, rain and non-show buses made getting to the hospital a gloomy process, but I did get there in time for my 10.30 appointment and was immediately told to go for an X-ray. Then I … Continue reading

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Back To Work

Yesterday saw me ride a bike (new one) for the first time since the accident and I have to admit I was very nervous to start with. I decided to use it because I had a resumption medical in Bristol … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Positives, Work | Leave a comment


Overall a good time was had over the Christmas period but while unpacking some of the kids’ toys a thought occurred to me: do manufacturers ever pause to think how their customers are supposed to get these things out of … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Negatives, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Trauma Clinic #3

Well here we are again at the hospital, arriving at 10.10 for a 10.40 appointment. No waiting time displayed yet. 10.25 I’m called in for 2 X-rays. 10.40 and it’s back to the waiting game. Loads in the sub-waiting area … Continue reading

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HD Failure

About time I got around to writing about this. Dateline: Wednesday 22nd of November I get home from skittles to find error messages all over the place on my Linux machine and the secondary HD remounted as read only. This … Continue reading

Posted in Negatives | Leave a comment

Trauma Clinic – Take 2

Appointment time was 10.50, arrived at 10.30, called at 12.40, seen at 13.00. The consultant examined me and instructed me on some light, low physiotherapy I have to do three times a day (pendulum like actions) and that was it. … Continue reading

Posted in Thoughts | 2 Comments

Trauma Clinic

I had an appointment today at the trauma clinic. Appointment was for 10.50, I was eventually seen at 12.40. From then it was pretty (or not) quick. A nurse pull up my x-ray then a doctor assessed me, prescribed some … Continue reading

Posted in Thoughts | 1 Comment

Accident – Update #2

Day 4 after the accident and it hurts just to move. Ibuprofen are crippling my stomach so I have to stop taking them, leaving my with co-codamol which is making me constantly lethargic. Pain in my foot had come out … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling, Negatives | Leave a comment

Accident – Update #1

Some photographs: Damage done to the bike. Damage done to the pedal. I think I must have lifted my legs or I surely wouldn’t be walking now! Side view of the damage to the front wheel. Front view of the … Continue reading

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