Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Traffic lights in Cardiff take the piss!

Traffic lights in Cardiff take the piss!
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New video…

New video…
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I might well be more reliable in getting these put together from now on :)

I might well be more reliable in getting these put together from now on 🙂
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With an excessive number of cockwombles, causing close calls and even a minor collision, here’s the latest episode…

With an excessive number of cockwombles, causing close calls and even a minor collision, here’s the latest episode…
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Last one (for now) :)

Last one (for now) 🙂
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Only one more after this, then dog know how long before the next one ;)

Only one more after this, then dog know how long before the next one 😉
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2 of 4. I’ll probably render the last two overnight.

2 of 4. I’ll probably render the last two overnight.
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I’ve got 4 to post in relatively quick succession. More as the render :)

I’ve got 4 to post in relatively quick succession. More as the render 🙂
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Over 7 minutes for this one!

Over 7 minutes for this one!
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Finally figured out the sound sync problem :)

Finally figured out the sound sync problem 🙂
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