Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam… not a Viking in sight!

The spam checker seems to be working well so far. 11 out of 11 spam comments caught since I enabled comments. I’m happy with that so public comments are looking promising 🙂

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 94

As a break from the norm, and the start of a new process, I’m now posting my cycling videos here, first and foremost. Something I really should have done from the start 😉 This volume comes with an extra video,.where … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling | 2 Comments

Demise of Google+

Given the imminent demise of Google+, the lack of trust I have in Faecebook and my doubts of any social media platform managing to stay alive I’ve decided to pay more attention my this, my blog. I have full control … Continue reading

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Christmas Unspecial.

Christmas Unspecial.
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Christmas is coming, driving’s getting shit (and so’s the weather).

Christmas is coming, driving’s getting shit (and so’s the weather).
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C64 Cruising on Broadway Development – Part 17

Just a little update. I added code to the music routine that allows for multiple songs and replaced the squealing sound effect for increased difficulty with a short tune that Fatboy Slim fans will have no trouble recognising. Links: Download … Continue reading

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Incoming video spam! :D

Incoming video spam! 😀
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C64 Restoration Project – Part 4

So I haven’t been happy with the display on our LCD TVs from the C64C so I ordered a LumaFix64, which is supposed to reduce the problems.I had fun removing the VIC II chip. It was quite firm in the … Continue reading

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C64 Cruising on Broadway Development – Part 16

Last week I got to work transposing the music from the Gameboy game Choplifter II (Level 1) to 3 voices suitable for coding to the SID chip. That done I had 7 days at work in a row with very … Continue reading

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Here we go again.

Here we go again.
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