Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Ingress – The Post That Started It All

Since this post will vanish on or soon after April 2nd this year, I have it here for prosperity. Ingress – the game that’s taken up so much of my life in the last 5 years, started for me as … Continue reading

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New User Spam

Hah! Got you! I finally figured out how spambots are getting past my registration checks. The default login URL was active even though the option was hidden. Not any more 😉 User base now cleaned up to those I know … Continue reading

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Best Android C64 Emulator

Watching one of Mamemeister’s latest videos he mentioned a series of emulators by Robert Broglia. I decided to give his C64 emulator a go. Not free, £2.99, but I’ve tried it with a few things so far and it performs … Continue reading

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Bloody Vikings!

So spambots can seemingly easily bypass Captcha and email verification. For this reason, any new user registration will need to be authorised manually. If you’re somebody I don’t know and you genuinely want to register, let me know via any … Continue reading

Posted in General | Leave a comment Party August 2009 (Test Footage)

Today I decided to wake up my old (by today’s standards) Panasonic SDR-H40 camcorder. It’s not HD but has a 40GB HDD built in and a 42x optical zoom. After finding the correct cables I connected it to my computer … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 95

I keep making these. People keep doing daft things on the road so I have to! 😉 There’s actually a kudos in this video. Also a clear reason I don’t use shared cycle paths. Pedestrians give less thought to them … Continue reading

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G+ Archives – A Change of Mind

I’ve thought about it and decided what I’ve posted on G+ in the last 5 years contains some good memories, but they’re not worth the cost of backup and import, so when G+ dies, so do those posts. I’ve learned … Continue reading

Posted in General, Positives | 4 Comments

Registration Spam

Today I was made aware of a new (to me) form of spam: User Registration Spam. I’ve now installed a plugin to handle new account verification. Any problems, please let me know. New login / registration links are now below … Continue reading

Posted in General, Negatives | Leave a comment

Thought of the Day – Sci-Fi Impossibilities

My mind drifted into science and science fiction today, as it does, and I thought, “What science fiction technology is likely to be completely impossible?” Here’s my list: Faster than light travel. Traversable wormholes. Time travel to the past. Travel … Continue reading

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Ingress Memories

I’m not confident that these memorable posts will survive when G+ is taken away from us so I’m posting them here for archive purposes. One is a record of the first ever, documented hack of both ADA and JARVIS weapons, … Continue reading

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