Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 118

Back with another compilation of clips from my regular commute rides. Not quite so much rain this time but still more than enough. We also see the return of the paint scrapers. Otherwise quite short with a couple of new … Continue reading

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Frantic Freddie

My copy of the Zzap! 64 2020 album arrived, and while perusing the contents I noticed that Frantic Freddie 2 exists for the C64. Frantic Freddie, while being a fun game with some jaunty music, was, and still is, the … Continue reading

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New YouTube Channel

I’ve started a new YouTube channel dedicated to the Retro Scene. Mostly retro games, but I’m happy to include any retro tech, and maybe even old board games, if I ever find any. At the time of writing this post, … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 117

Rain, rain and more rain feature heavily in this video. I’ve been playing with more effects in the video editor I use (kdenlive) while creating videos for my retro channel, so added a few here. Nothing over the top, but … Continue reading

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Cycle “Aventures” Volume 116

I was surprised that there was only the one close pass this time, but that was more than made up for by impatient bastards who hate cycles being in front of them in traffic. Most of the time they don’t … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 115

Rain. Rain, rain and more rain. No shortage of paint scrapers again. One I can’t show because it really was too close for comfort and I’m taking it further. I still don’t know how he missed my handlebar with his … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 114

As a driver, I’ve passed 5 driving tests, 4 of those in a professional capacity. As a cyclist I follow the Highway Code, which I know quite well due to the above, and my desire to do the right thing … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 113

Given the start, I thought this was going to be dominated by close passing paint scrapers, but it turned out to have quite a bit of variety. No shortage of cockwombles, that’s for sure, including a bus that passed so … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 112

Not as long a video as I was expecting. It seemed people were better behaved in general. No shortage of paint scrapers but it’s pedestrians who stand out in this one! On a technical point, rendering these videos is so … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 111

Due to summer leave breaking up my normal pattern, this video is quite short with only 10 clips over 4 days. 5 of those clips are close passes, which shows just how bad the situation is, and why less confident … Continue reading

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