Volume 6, built with KdenLive. Far better than OpenShot, which screwed up Volume 5 yet again for no good reason!

Volume 6, built with KdenLive. Far better than OpenShot, which screwed up Volume 5 yet again for no good reason!


About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.
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4 Responses to Volume 6, built with KdenLive. Far better than OpenShot, which screwed up Volume 5 yet again for no good reason!

  1. Daniel Gray says:

    The bit where the female rider moves into the middle of the road and stop. I see this one all the time. Seems some cyclists are of the opinion that if they sit in the middle of road then they are not susceptible to traffic when pulling away from the junction. 

    Personally I don’t see the logic there. You are in a static group of traffic and any decent driver would notice you there as opposed to putting yourself directly in the path of oncoming traffic and traffic making turns.

    I’d be 100% behind all cyclists being forced to take a test and hold a licence. If nothing else it will give good cyclists a much better starting point when it comes to apportioning blame in these situations.

  2. In the Highway Code it specifically states that moving ahead of the stop line is not acceptable for cyclists. It doesn’t really help either but gives a false sense of safety while aggravating drivers.

  3. Daniel Gray says:

    Go on any cycling forum and you’ll find countless cyclists defending that position. I’d sooner wait my time than put myself in the direct path of speeding metal.

  4. I’d rather join queues and take my place in traffic than try to dodge traffic from cross directions or try to outrun them at lights any day, as you can see from my videos.

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