New video, new title screens!

New video, new title screens!

Feel free to Γ°ΕΈβ€˜Β these, if you do. I don’t mind πŸ˜‰

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.
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3 Responses to New video, new title screens!

  1. Donnie Darko says:

    To be fair to the van driver at 1:30 – he was simply following the letter of the law to not block the exit for other drivers. He wasn’t indicating the other car should come out from the left, simply not blocking his exit from the side road.

    I’d have done exactly the same, simply to avoid impeding his passage.

  2. Donnie Darko says:

    2:27 … spelling… πŸ˜‰ And… just to play devil’s advocate… at 3:20 I notice you are riding in the left hand lane (marked for left turn only) and yet you continue to ride straight on) πŸ˜›

    Before the cyclist brigade jump on me, yes I know that cyclists are, technically, allowed to use this lane to go straight on, but I certainly wouldn’t risk it as drivers who may overtake you at that point would be fully expecting to turn left.

  3. The car driver looked the van driver and pointed at me, he waved her out. Oops on the spelling mistake. The latter is a bus lane, even buses and taxis go straight on. If the lane is just for turning left I don’t use it, as you can see from the clip you refer to Γ°ΕΈΛœΖ’

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