I built this on a fresh OS install. Not as smooth as I’d have liked but the end result is fine. Hope you enjoy!

I built this on a fresh OS install. Not as smooth as I’d have liked but the end result is fine. Hope you enjoy!


About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.
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2 Responses to I built this on a fresh OS install. Not as smooth as I’d have liked but the end result is fine. Hope you enjoy!

  1. I ride everyday in the urban areas of North Texas here in the States. (United Kingdom’s finest creation.) Im inclined to agree with you on I don’t see how some cyclists stay alive. I myself have been hit by motor vehicles a few times.. Including a city bus that just refused to yield and give right of way. I have been very fortunate, blessed if you will, I have never sustained a serious injury as a result of a motor vehicle colliding with my bicycle. I ride a hybrid much like yours. I have chosen to ride that style or genre of bicycle for years. Thank you for the excellent info in your video.

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