Author Archives: Ponder

About Ponder

I'm a train driver from Cardiff, have been married a long time and have 4 wonderful kids... all grown up now! Warning: I tend to lose The Game a lot.

Cycle “Adventures” Volume 154

Close passes continue to plague me with one even coming close enough to hit my handlebar! No damage done and no point in sending the video to the police because they demonstrably don’t care. They occasionally have some close pass … Continue reading

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My wife bought a Pinter home brew system for my birthday. It arrived today. I started following the instructions online and quickly realised I’d screwed up. I used water from a jug that hadn’t been washed out after using it … Continue reading

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LEGO™ International Space Station

Some years ago I submitted this to LEGO™ Ideas but it was rejected. Imagine my surprise when a short while back I saw it released. I had nothing to do with the actual release but I was still happy. I … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 153

Well what a change! No shortage of clips this last period. Plenty of idiots, including a lot of red jumping cycles and an arrogance shown by many bullies in metal shells that’s going to kill someone; probably sooner rather than … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 152

Three weeks worth of clips but not a huge amount going on. A combination of early starts, late finishes, days off and rain (lots of rain) the roads were mostly quiet. We do still see some idiots, especially impatience, paint … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 151

Delayed due to shortage of clippable events! Note: this is not a bad thing. (I like being safe) 😉 Plenty of impatience and close passes… and on that subject what is it about Audi drivers and their complete lack of … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 150

Back with new music for a new year! OK the first couple of clips are still from the old, knackered year but this is still the first video of 2021 😉 Roads are definitely quieter, with a few exceptions, and … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 149

My ultimate cycle video of 2020 and it’s a cockwomble extravaganza! I hate December on the roads and this year is no exception. I really don’t feel safe. My anger and frustration is prominent in many clips and my stress … Continue reading

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Cycle “Adventures” Volume 148

It’s that most wonderful time of the year! Even with heavy restrictions traffic is still mad in December, as is clearly demonstrated in this video! I’m not exactly on top form myself so I can be seen (and heard) getting … Continue reading

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YouTube Copyright Claim Bollocks!

It was my Twitch stream of the old Tehkan arcade game Star Force from 1984. The whole video has been blocked for 1 minute and 53 seconds of VIDEO (not audio) from almost an hour of almost identical gameplay. This … Continue reading

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